kay, wll o it yor wy
Stp taking lik a retard. I hate wen baconburger does it, i hate when other people do it. Try again,
kay, wll o it yor wy
Stp taking lik a retard. I hate wen baconburger does it, i hate when other people do it. Try again,
Its better than most of the crap on newgrounds.
Learn To draw
I mean, you got the humor down, now learn to draw something more than stickmen and make a really good movie!!! Good luck!!!
Good job
This is good. i liked the guy and the song made it great.
"Its funny...
because its true..."
Homer Simpson
Share the wealth
Make a flash movie saying how you do yours, and then it might catch on more...
Please someone tell me whats going on...
I could understand half the things that were being said. I think you were making fun of starcraft, but im not sure. It was stupid funny, but then just got stupid. That kid in the glasses was pissing me off. Better luck next time.
Holy Shit this is the greatest thing ever!!!!!!!
Finally someone got the idea of the final fantasy games!!!!
Joined on 7/10/02